Friday, July 1, 2011

And if I ever find it, goodbye headache

I once had a discussion with a friend about the 'dangers' of mono-sodium glutamate.  I reasoned that the stuff causes no ill effects, he insisted (and still does) that it is a dangerous, man made chemical that should be banned.  I informed him that most of the pre-processed food he ate was filled with 'dangerous man made preservatives'.  His response?  "Well, preservatives have been approved by the FDA, so it's fine.

Yeah.  So has MSG.  Bonehead.

Anyway, here lately it came to my attention that the air (as in the stuff we breath) can be considered a fluid.  In fact, all gasses may be considered to be 'fluid' to some degree, since they share the same properties as liquids.  So, I was interested in learning about the fluid dynamics of air.  I typed 'fluidity of atmospheric air' into google, and was presented with some facts about liquid oxygen.  Interest peaked, I searched google.  This is one of the things I found...
Stabilized Oxygen Liquid Dietary Supplement

Yeah.  companies are marketing stabilized O2 as a dietary supplement. What. The. Hell.  Every day I find myself more and more amazed at the... gullibility of people.  If I ever do find the galactic off button, I think I may well be doing everyone a favor.  Or at least I won't get those funny headaches anymore.  You know the ones; those caused by me slamming my head into the desk because of the lunacy of the world.

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